Emotional Freedom Technique

"I began to work through some 'blocks' and came away feeling less like a victim of my wounds and more empowered."

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, has gained immense popularity in recent years for its remarkable effectiveness in treating various addictions, habits, phobias, and psychological issues. But what sets EFT apart and makes it so powerful? 


EFT possesses a remarkable ability to bridge the gap between our emotions and the physical body, setting it apart from conventional therapies that focus solely on one or the other. EFT provides a holistic approach to healing that is truly unique. Through the process of tapping on specific meridian points while addressing emotional issues, EFT works to restore the body's energy balance and release emotional blockages.


 of participants experienced a notable 

decrease in their depression.


of participants experienced a notable reduction in their



of participants experienced a notable increase in their



of the participants experienced a notable decrease in PTSD symptoms.

source:-  National library of medicine

The results below are from 203 participants, enrolled in a 4 day EFT study.

Why should you consider EFT and what exactly is it?


EFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is an incredibly powerful healing practice that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine, psychology, and energy work. By tapping on specific acupressure points on your body while focusing on emotional or physical pain, EFT helps release negative emotions and restore balance to your body's energy system.


People are increasingly turning to EFT as a holistic approach to healing, and for good reason. EFT has the remarkable ability to address a wide range of issues such as anxiety, stress, trauma, phobias, and even physical pain. By tapping on these specific points, EFT can alleviate emotional blockages, reduce the intensity of negative emotions, and bring about a sense of calm and clarity.


Another compelling reason to consider EFT is its non-invasive nature.


EFT is also renowned for its effectiveness in promoting self-awareness and personal growth. By tapping on specific points and focusing on your emotions, you can gain valuable insights into your beliefs, fears, and patterns of behaviour. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to make positive changes in your life and break free from limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns.


It's important to note that while EFT has shown promising results, it is still considered to be in the experimental stages. It is not intended to replace medical advice or care, but rather to complement and enhance your overall well-being. If you are currently under the care of a healthcare provider, it's crucial to consult with them before starting EFT.


In conclusion, EFT is a transformative healing technique that can help you navigate your emotions, release negative energy, and promote self-awareness. Its non-invasive nature, versatility, and potential for personal growth make it a compelling choice for those seeking holistic approaches to healing. Consider incorporating EFT into your self-care routine and experiencing the profound benefits it can bring to your life.




"Scientific studies show that tapping allows the brain and body to release stress and negative emotions, as well as calm and regulate the central nervous system, according to Capanna-Hodge"

~ mental health trailblazer ~

EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - 1

A 40 minute EFT session, targeting one specific aspect or situation During the session, you will be guided through three rounds of tapping, where you will tap on specific points while stating affirmations or acknowledging the issue at hand. This process helps to stimulate the body's energy system and create a shift in your emotional state to release the blockage.  Deep Dive


Per Session 

EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - 2

During this transformative 50-minute EFT session, we will dive deep into one specific aspect or issue that you would like to address. Prior to the session, you will have the opportunity to fill out an aiming questionnaire, which will help us reveal the best target aspect to work on together. In addition to the session, you will also receive a 15-minute consultation to further home in on the best aspects of releasing your blockage. Deep Dive


Per Session

If you're intrigued about the power of energy coaching and personal growth, why not schedule a discovery call? This enlightening conversation will not only delve into the essence of energy coaching, but also give you the opportunity to inquire about anything that sparks your curiosity or share any concerns weighing on your mind. Additionally, kickstart your journey with a thought-provoking 6-question discovery questionnaire that will serve as a solid foundation for your growth.


So How does EFT work? 

EFT works on the principle that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body's energy system. These disruptions can show up as physical pain, negative thoughts, or overwhelming emotions, which are often the body's response to past events or emotions. By tapping on the meridian points, EFT stimulates the flow of energy and brings back harmony within the body, effectively addressing the root cause of the issue.


Furthermore, EFT provides almost instantaneous relief for various issues such as anxiety, stress, trauma, phobias, and even physical pain.


The tapping process activates the body's relaxation response, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm. This immediate relief not only helps manage everyday stressors but also aids in alleviating the severity of more complex psychological issues.

Another reason behind EFT's effectiveness lies in its ability to deliver tangible results.


Unlike other therapies that may take months or years to show noticeable changes, EFT often brings rapid and tangible improvements. This tangible aspect of EFT gives individuals a sense of control and empowerment over their own healing process, making it a highly favoured method.


Lastly, the accessibility of EFT makes it an appealing choice for individuals seeking relief. Unlike traditional therapies that require frequent visits to a therapist, EFT can be easily learned and practiced by individuals themselves.


 EFT's effectiveness extends beyond its ability to treat various addictions, habits, phobias, and psychological issues. It serves as a powerful bridge between the emotional and physical realms, providing tangible relief and quick results. 


By addressing the underlying causes of emotional and psychological issues, EFT empowers individuals to take control of their healing process and enhance their overall well-being. Its accessibility and rapid response make it a valuable tool for managing everyday stressors and promoting personal growth.


Here are some quick links to help you around the site, alternatively read on to find out more. 



        Book a Discovery Call


Ask a Question?

Why have I incorporated EFT into my practice? 


Well, to be honest, because it truly works. And better still, it works in the present moment, which perfectly compliments my approach to healing, but it also aligns perfectly with my other qualifications. EFT offers something tangible and serves as an excellent method to initiate your personal growth journey and create the life you desire.


I have wholeheartedly embraced EFT as a powerful tool for healing and personal growth.

One of the reasons I have incorporated EFT into my practice is its ability to address the underlying emotions and energy imbalances that contribute to various physical and emotional issues. 


Traditional healing approaches often focus on symptoms, but EFT dives deep into the root cause, allowing for true and lasting transformation


Moreover, EFT perfectly complements my holistic approach to healing. As a practitioner, I believe in treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. EFT aligns with this philosophy by acknowledging the interconnection between our emotions, thoughts, and physical health. By addressing the energetic aspects of your well being, EFT not only alleviates emotional blockages but also supports your overall health and vitality.


What sets EFT apart from other healing modalities is its tangible nature. Unlike traditional therapy or medication, EFT is a hands-on technique that you can learn and practice on your own. 


Once you understand the basic principles of EFT, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to use whenever you need it. This empowers you to take control of your own healing journey and actively participate in your own well-being.

"Healing Involves helping people see how their emotional patterns manifest in physical reality and helping them to realign with a more holistic pattern of Universal Consciousness" ~ Martin W. Ball ~

Other ways to connect

Telephone: +44 (0) 7958 427 854

E-mail: mark@theenergyalchemist.co.uk

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