About The Energy Alchemist

My Approach to Personal Development  & Healing

We are energy, and where attention goes, energy flows. This fundamental understanding forms the basis of my approach to healing. I believe that our thoughts and emotions have a significant impact on our overall well-being. 


While it's important to acknowledge any unprocessed emotions that may have arisen from past experiences, my focus is on empowering you to embrace the present moment and create a future that aligns with your desires.


In my healing style, we briefly acknowledge the presence of any unprocessed emotions, recognising their impact on your energy system. However, we don't dwell on the past or allow it to define your present or future. 


Instead, we shift our attention to the present moment, where true healing and growth can take place.

"The Lessons we learn in the dark 

are the ones that enable us to 

shine brighter in the light " 

~ Mark Cox ~

By focusing on the present, we can tap into the immense power within you to release negative energy and emotions. Through the practice of EFT and tapping on specific acupressure points, we can activate your body's energy system and restore balance. This process allows you to let go of limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you.


As you release these emotional blockages, you will experience a newfound sense of clarity and empowerment. 


You'll gain valuable insights into your own thought patterns, beliefs, and perceptions. This heightened self-awareness serves as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.


My goal is to provide you with the beliefs and tools necessary to design the future you desire. 


Together, we will explore your aspirations, dreams, and goals. By harnessing the power of the present moment and aligning your thoughts and emotions with your desires, you can create a future that is in alignment with your highest potential.

"Healing Involves helping people see how their emotional patterns manifest in physical reality and helping them to realign with a more holistic pattern of Universal Consciousness

~ Martin W. Ball ~

Remember, your past does not define you. It is merely a collection of experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today. 


Through my healing approach and modalities, you will develop the power to leave the past behind and step into a future filled with joy, abundance, and fulfilment.


I am here to support you every step of the way on your healing journey. Together, we will tap into the infinite well of energy within you, allowing you to live a life filled with love, peace, and harmony. 


Embrace the present moment, and let the energy flow towards the future you desire.

Other ways to connect

Telephone: +44 (0) 7958 427 854

E-mail: mark@theenergyalchemist.co.uk

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