Managing Anxiety  

Anxiety is a complex and multifaceted emotion that affects millions of people worldwide. While it's normal to experience anxiety to some degree in certain situations, it becomes a concern when it starts to interfere with our daily functioning and overall well-being.


Anxiety is often viewed as a negative emotion, but it's important to recognise its purpose and listen to what it's trying to tell us. 

By understanding anxiety from a holistic perspective, we can gain control over its overwhelming effects and manage it more effectively.


Anxiety is a natural response that our body has developed over time to protect us from potential dangers or challenges. It serves as a warning sign, alerting us to situations that may require our attention or action.

To effectively address and manage anxiety, it's crucial to acknowledge and understand the psychological symptoms that often accompany it.


These symptoms can manifest in various ways, such as excessive worrying, racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, irritability, restlessness, and a heightened sense of fear or unease. 




Due to our inherent tendency to focus on negative thoughts and the overwhelming amount of stimuli in our external environment, it is natural for us to fixate on the uncomfortable sensations that anxiety brings, even when there is no actual physical threat. Unfortunately, this only serves to intensify and prolong those sensations, as our energy flows where our attention goes.


Anxiety can manifest physically with symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, stomach-aches, headaches, and muscle tension. These physical sensations are a result of our body's stress response, triggered by the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.


On a psychological level, anxiety can lead to persistent negative thoughts, difficulty concentrating, irritability, restlessness, and a constant sense of unease. It can also disrupt our sleep patterns, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.

The impact of anxiety extends beyond our mental and physical well-being. It can affect our relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life. Engaging in social activities, pursuing personal goals, and finding calm and relaxation can become challenging.


There are different types of anxiety disorders, each with its own set of symptoms and triggers. Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias all share a common theme of excessive and irrational worry.

In order to effectively manage and treat anxiety, it is essential to seek the appropriate help and support. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that can assist in identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, allowing for the development of coping strategies to effectively manage anxiety. Additionally, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has a proven track record in releasing past unresolved events or feelings that can act as triggers for anxiety. 


Furthermore, it is important to recognise that we have the ability to reprogram the patterns in our brain that contribute to anxiety attacks. By harnessing this power, we can take control of our anxiety and work towards long-term healing and well-being.


Self-care practices also play a vital role in anxiety management. Regular exercise, relaxation techniques like deep breathing, affirmation, mindfulness, sufficient sleep, a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can all contribute to managing anxiety effectively.  


Understanding more about anxiety can help us reduce its impact as it gives us the insight to reframe it.  


Read the article below on reframing anxiety. 





Here are some quick links to help you around the sight, alternatively read on to find out more. 



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Let's Re-frame Anxiety 

Understanding anxiety from an energetic perspective allows us to approach its management holistically. Anxiety, at its core, is a disruption in the flow of our life force energy, you may have heard this be called Qi (Chi), Prana.  


When our energy becomes stagnant or blocked, it can lead to imbalances in our energetic system, including our meridians, chakras, and aura.


Meridians are pathways through which our energy flows, and when anxiety arises, these pathways can become constricted or obstructed. 


This can result in a build-up of stagnant energy, intensifying our feelings of unease and discomfort. By engaging in practices like meditation and deep breathing exercises, we can help restore the flow of energy within our energy systems, promoting a sense of calmness and balance.


Chakras, on the other hand, are energy centres within our body that correspond to different aspects of our being. When anxiety takes hold, it can disrupt the balance and alignment of our chakras, causing disharmony in our energetic system. 


By incorporating practices like Reiki, acupuncture, and EFT we can work to rebalance and realign our chakras, allowing the energy to flow freely and restoring a sense of inner harmony.


Additionally, anxiety can also affect our aura, the energetic field that surrounds and permeates our physical body. Anxious thoughts and emotions can create disturbances in our aura, leading to an imbalance of energy. Through visualization techniques and affirmations, we can consciously cleanse and strengthen our aura, creating a protective barrier that shields us from external stressors and promotes a greater sense of stability.


Recognising anxiety's energetic aspect empowers us to tap into our internal resources for healing. By connecting with our energy body, we can access a wellspring of strength and resilience that can help us navigate through challenging times.


Grounding techniques, such as walking barefoot in nature or visualising ourselves rooted to the earth, can help anchor us in the present moment and provide a sense of stability amidst the chaos of anxiety.


By integrating an energy perspective into our understanding of anxiety, we expand our toolkit for managing it effectively. With energy-based practices we can create a comprehensive approach to anxiety management. This holistic approach addresses not only the symptoms but also the underlying energetic imbalances, promoting long-term healing and well-being.


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Telephone: +44 (0) 7958 427 854


"Healing Involves helping people see how their emotional patterns manifest in physical reality and helping them to realign with a more holistic pattern of Universal Consciousness" ~ Martin W. Ball ~

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